

Effective Date: January 1, 2025. Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) must approve all fees for official services and official agencies will assess only those fees appearing on their current approved fee schedule.

FGIS Administrative Tonnage Fees.  In addition to all other applicable fees.  FGIS administrative tonnage fees for export grain shipments inspected and/or weighed, excluding land carrier shipments to Canada or Mexico, will be assessed at the current per metric ton rate identified in FGIS Directive 9180.74 Service Fees and Billing Codes.  Attachment 1.  Invoices will identify assessed administrative tonnage fees as separate line items per applicable carrier/unit type.

FGIS Supervision Fees.  In addition to all other applicable fees,  FGIS supervision fees for domestic U.S. grain shipments inspected and/or weighed, including land carrier shipments to Canada and Mexico, will be assessed at the current per metric ton rate identified in FGIS Directive 9180.74 Service Fees and Billing Codes, Attachment 2.  Invoices will identify assessed supervision fees as separate line items per applicable carrier/unit type.

Inspection Lab and Sampling Hours

Regular Hours: Monday – Friday 7AM-3PM. Contact lab by 10:00AM for same day inspection/sampling service.

Overtime Hours:  Monday – Friday Any hours worked outside Regular Hours, and Friday 3PM – Saturday 11:59PM.

Sunday/Holiday:  Sunday:  12:00AM – 7AM Monday.  Holiday:  12:00AM – 7:00AM the following morning.

Regular Hourly Rate – 32.25
Overtime Hourly Rate – 48.38
Sunday/Holiday Rate – 64.50

Regular Hourly Rate – 46.50
Overtime Hourly Rate – 69.75
Sunday/Holiday Rate – 93.00

 Hourly rates are charged per man-hour at the appropriate rate and assessed in quarter-hour increments.

Cancellation Charges:  If a start time is established and an elevator reschedules/cancels prior to the start time, a 4-hour per person per day reschedule/cancellation charge will be assessed at the appropriate hourly rate.

Holidays:  Holiday rates apply on days when the Minneapolis Grain Exchange is closed for holiday, including:  New Years Eve Day, New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day.

Finance Charge:  1 1/2% per month after 30 days from statement date.

Travel Time:  Travel assessed for actual travel time at the applicable hourly rate and prorated when possible.

Stand-by Rates:  Will be charged at an applicable rate for delays not caused by the Agency and will apply in half-hour increments.

Mileage Fees:  The IRS standard mileage rate will be assessed.  Changes to the mileage rate is effective when the IRS changes their standard mileage rate.  (prorated when possible)

Credit Card Fee:  Actual credit card transaction fee from credit card machine

NPGIS reserves the right to determine the number of personnel to properly provide the service requested. To assure personnel safety, NPGIS can suspend sampling service due to inclement weather conditions as well as sampling on rail cars in darkness or insufficient lighting. NPGIS will provide physical supervision of elevator personnel, by official personnel, of sampling and sealing railcars. In extreme conditions a stowage examination waiver may be deemed necessary.

Minimum Hourly Call-out Rates:  Minimum 2 hour per person at applicable hourly rate will apply

Official Commercial Inspection Services are offered and will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis from our officially approved fee schedule.

Official Services not covered by this fee schedule will be charged at the appropriate hourly rate.

Official Inspection/Weighing Services

Official Sampling and Inspection, Plus hourly charge – 21.00

Probe, Pelican, Ellis Cup Sampling in addition to unit charge – 4.00

Reinspection, New Sample – same as original

Reinspection, File Basis – 13.00

Single Factor Determination (additional factor) – 8.00

Double Sample Collection (In addition to appropriate Official Inspection Service Fee) – 13.00

Official Class X or Y Weight Certificate, plus hourly charge – 6.50

On-Site Sampling and/or Inspection (In addition to appropriate Official Inspection Service Fee)- 3.00 per lot

* The Applicant must provide office space and all equipment to perform official services. Travel time will be billed at appropriate hourly rate. Per diem per person, per room, per meal – Actual Cost

Extended Load Time Fee  (An on-site guarantee of nine (9) railcars per hour average per total loading time).  Amounts less than nine (9) cars per hour will be assessed the Extended Load Time Fee per unit and will be billed at the current, appropriate Official Lot Sampling and Inspection rate.


NPGIS, Inc. applies the number of seals as per request from applicant.  Seals applied by NPGIS are not for security nor does sealing in any way mean the car is sealed, the seals are to tag the lot as officially sampled only and preserve lot identity.  NPGIS, Inc. is not responsible for the seals after NPGIS, Inc. leaves the applicants property.  It is the applicant’s responsibility to confirm that all seals have been applied by NPGIS, Inc. to their satisfaction.
Regular Seals – 2 Plastic Seals, per car (Plus hourly rate)  6.00
Extra Seals –  3 or more Plastic Seals, per car (Plus hourly rate) 12.00
Supervised Sealing, per car (Plus hourly rate) 3.00
Cable Seals, per seal (Plus hourly rate) 4.00
Supervised Cable Seals, per seal (Plus hourly rate) 1.10

Submitted Sample Inspection
Original Submitted Inspection/Reinspection – 11.00
Factor Only (one factor) (Inspection/Reinspection) – 8.00
Canola Inspection/Reinspection – 13.25

Other Official Inspection Services

Stowage Exam Only, plus hourly charges – 5.00
12 Foot Probe (in addition to appropriate Official Inspection Fee) – 6.00
NIRT Protein (wheat, barley original/reinspection per sample – 6.00
NIRT Protein, Oil (Soybeans) original/reinspection per sample – 7.00
NIRT Protein, Oil, Starch (Corn) original/reinspection per sample  – 7.00

NIRT Wheat Wet Gluten – 7.00
NMR Oil Test – 9.50
DON (Vomitoxin) – 35.00
DON (Vomitoxin) (Dilution/Supplemental Analysis) Plus original test charge – 35.00
Aflatoxin- 35.00

Fumonison – 35.00

Zearalenone – 35.00

Other Mycotoxin testing – 35.00

Ochratoxin – 39.00
Extra Factor Determination that is not required for grade, each – 3.00
Insect Damaged Kernels (IDK) – 3.00
Duplicate/Corrected Certificates per certificate – 3.00 
Composite Sample Preparation (per sample in composite) or sample preparation for additional factors requests after the original (per sample) – 2.00
Separating damage types and certifying – 3.00

Special Handling – 10.00
Export Surcharge (Form FGIS 921-2) per lot – 2.50

Checktesting Elevator-owned equipment/Mechanical samplers – Inspector hourly rate plus Mileage Training (per instructor, per hour, plus mileage and travel time at Inspector hourly rate) – 69.50   

Administrative Charges (other invoicing charges, ex. Sale of equipment) – Actual Cost

Approved Statements in Remarks (per statement) – 4.50

Delivery Charges:  Shipping charges of sample delivery requested by applicant will be charged the actual charge from shipping company plus special handling fee. Delivery and pickup of samples by NPGIS personnel will be charged the applicable hourly rate plus mileage.


Regular Hours: Inspection Lab and Sampling Hours Monday – Friday 7AM-3PM.

Overtime Hours:  Monday – Friday Any hours worked outside Regular Hours, and Friday 3PM – Saturday 11:59PM.

Sunday/Holiday:  Sunday:  12:00AM – 7AM Monday.  Holiday:  12:00AM – 7:00AM the following morning.

Hourly Rates
Regular Hourly Rate – 46.50
Overtime Hourly Rate – 69.75
Sunday/Holiday Rate – 93.00

Sampling, Inspection, and Weighing

Official Sampling and Inspection, Plus hourly charge – 21.00
Probe, Pelican, Ellis Cup Sampling in addition to unit charge – 4.00

Supervisory Weighing with inspection (plus appropriate hourly rate) – 7.00

Supervisory Weighing without inspection (plus appropriate hourly rate) – 8.50

Submitted Inspection

Submitted Inspection/Grade – 11.00

Edible Beans/Peas/Lentils/Pulses – 22.50

Other Services not performed under the USGSA

One Factor Inspection – 8.00

Special Handling (i.e. composite samples forwarded to flour mills, plus actual freight charge) – 10.00
Falling Numbers Test – 15.00

Falling Number Test with Correction Calculation – 18.00
Germination Test – 15.00
Seed Count per Ounce/Pound – 15.00
GMO Test – 20.00
Purity – 15.00

NIRT Protein, Oil, Starch – 8.00
Grading of grain not listed in USGSA – 10.55
Refractive Index Testing – 10.50
Set of Check Samples (protein, moisture, etc.) (5 samples) – 30.00
Fax Results (per transmission) (e-mails have no charge) – 1.00
Roastability Dark Roast – 20.00

Spreadsheet Report (per report) – 10.00

NMR Oil Test – 9.50

Administrative Charges (other invoicing charges, ex. Sale of equipment) –  Actual Cost

*Transaction fee applies to all payments made by credit card


Effective Date: January 1, 2025.  Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) must approve all fees for official services and official agencies will assess only those fees appearing on their current approved fee schedule. FGIS user fees included.

Regular Hours: Inspection Lab and Sampling Hours Monday – Friday 7AM-3PM.

Overtime Hours:  Monday – Friday Any hours worked outside Regular Hours, and Friday 3PM – Saturday 11:59PM.

Sunday/Holiday:  Sunday:  12:00AM – 7AM Monday.  Holiday:  12:00AM – 7:00AM the following morning.

Hourly Rates: Hourly rates are charged per man-hour at the appropriate rate and assessed in quarter-hour increments.

Hourly Rates
Regular Hourly Rate – 46.50
Overtime Hourly Rate – 69.75
Sunday/Holiday Rate – 93.00

Cancellation Charges:  If a start time is established and an elevator reschedules/cancels prior to the start time, a 4-hour per person per day reschedule/cancellation charge will be assessed at the appropriate hourly rate.

Holidays:  Holiday rates apply on days when the Minneapolis Grain Exchange is closed for holiday, including:  New Years Eve Day, New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day.

Finance Charge:  1 1/2% per month after 30 days from statement date.

Travel and Stand-by Rates:  Travel assessed for actual travel time at the applicable hourly rate.  Stand-by will be charged at an applicable rate for delays not caused by the Agency and will apply in half-hour increments.

Mileage Fees:  The IRS standard mileage rate will be assessed.  Changes to the mileage rate is effective when the IRS changes their standard mileage rate.  (prorated when possible)

NPGIS reserves the right to determine the number of personnel to properly provide the service requested.  To assure personnel safety, NPGIS can suspend sampling service due to inclement weather conditions as well as sampling on rail cars or darkness.  NPGIS will provide physical supervision of elevator personnel, by official personnel, of sampling, stowage, and sealing railcars.

Minimum Hourly Call-out Rates:  Minimum 2 hour per person at applicable hourly rate will apply


Hourly rate and mileage fees in addition to per unit as stated.

All hours before and after regular hours will be charged accordingly.

Hourly fees assessed in quarter hour increments.

Official Lot Sampling and/or Inspection-24.75
Official Lot Sampling and/or Inspection (Thresher/Field Run)-38.00

Extra Factors During Inspection Process¹-7.50

Submitted Single Factor Analyses – 10.00
Vomitoxin (DON)-35.00
Falling Number-30.00
Duplicate/Corrected Certificates/Results-2.50
Additional Services and/or Statements²-5.00 per Service/Statement
4 or more Additional Services and/or Statements-25.00
Fax Reporting of Results-1.00
Composite Sample Prep-2.00
Special Handling-10.00
Stowage Examination Certificate-15.50
Condition of Container Certificate-15.50
Sanitation Certificate-15.50
Dark Roast-30.00
Phyto Inspection-10.00
12 foot probe-6.00
Shipping-Actual Cost

Training (per instructor, per hour, plus mileage, and travel time) – 69.50

Retest (File Sample) – Same as original

Retest (New Sample) – Same as original plus Official Lot Sampling fee

Services not listed by this fee schedule will be charged a minimum of 1 hour at the applicable hourly rate.


Sealing upon request (up to 2 seals):  6.00

Sealing upon request (3 or more seals):  12.00

Supervisory seals to certify:  3.00

Tote Sealing-1.00 per seal

Metal Cable Seals:  4.00

NPGIS, Inc. is not responsible for the seals after the railcar leaves the applicants property.  It is the applicant’s responsibility to confirm that all seals have been applied by NPGIS, Inc. to their satisfaction.

¹Extra factors for which are requested by applicant that are in addition to a normal grade made by an inspector

²Individual service or statement requests for Check Load, Check Weigh, Vendor Count, Etc.